Wednesday, September 8, 2021
4:00 PM 5:00 PM
34 Carrer de la CendraBarcelona, CT, 08001Spain (map)
JAZZ I AM is born in 2019 in Barcelona as annual international meeting, focused on boosting partnerships among music professionals by hosting conferences, workshops and the finest national jazz shows.
Voice for Jazz Musicians in Europe is a new platform that will represent the rights of European jazz musicians. Since the beginning of the pandemic, 14 federations, unions, and associations of jazz musicians from all over Europe have been meeting regularly to find a single voice for musicians at European level. The Federation of Professional Jazz and Improvised Music Associations (FMJAZZ), of which the AMJM is a member, is one of them. The first objective achieved was to carry out a survey on the impact of COVID-19 on the profession and to present the results at the Jazzahead! fair in 2021, where a conversation was held with two representatives of the European Parliament.